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school supplies

For the second year, STCA will provide the bulk of school supplies for students. We ask that families provide a backpack, lunch box, water bottle, and headphones for their scholar. Click below to see our full supply lists, with school provided and family supplemented supplies noted.




will I be charged for supplies?

Yes, we charge families a flat rate of $45 per student for supplies. This is charged only once during the school year. Families will be charged via SchoolAdmin. 


when will supplies be distributed?

Supplies will be waiting for your scholar on the first day of school! Any needed basic supplies will be replenished throughout the year as determined by their classroom teacher. 


Can I send my scholar with additional supplies?

Absolutely! If you are sending in personal supplies (special pencils, markers, etc.) please ensure that they are labelled with your scholar's name to avoid confusion. If you would like to donate additional supplies to your scholar's classroom, please get in touch with their classroom teacher.

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