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Apple in Lunchbox


$5.00 for a standard meal

$1.25 additional for larger portion

A la carte options available

order now



helpful notes

  • All orders will be done online and there are no print forms - this is a contracted service, not a service run by STCA.

  • Ordering can be done as far out as a month in advance or as last minute as the night before (1 PM deadline. Please note that this is a change from previous years.)

    • Please note that you will need to update your student's year within your ordering at the start of 2024-2025 school year.​


Want to order milk? This is a separate order! We offer plain and chocolate milk for the year from Smith Brothers Farms. You can find the milk form on your School Admin account. Contact for questions.

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St. Therese Catholic Academy | 900 35th Ave Seattle, WA 98122 206.324.0460



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