Our school-wide goal is to have 90% of our students at or above grade level in Reading, Math and Language Usage within three years of enrollment.
In 2016-2017 we showed strong growth in Reading, Math and Language Usage.
15% increase from Fall to Spring
Fall: 67% at/above grade level (73/109)
Spring: 82% (102/124) reached end of year benchmark to be at/above grade level
13% increase from Fall to Spring
Fall: 44% at/above grade level (48/109)
Spring: 57% (71/124) reached end of year benchmark to be at/above grade level
Language Usage
14% increase from Fall to Spring
Fall: 55% at/above grade level (51/93)
Spring: 69% (63/91) reached end of year benchmark to be at/above grade level
In addition, 61 students in Math, 68 students in Reading and 55 students in Language Arts demonstrated over one year of growth from their initial scores to their end of the year scores - showing that our model is helping our students thrive!